Part Exchange

We can take in part exchange your current motorhome, caravan or even car.

Motorhome Part Exchange Options


Selling your motorhome using a Motorhome Market place broker means you get the best price. With no upfront costs and advertising of your motorhome to a large number of buyers, you have the best possible chance of selling your motorhome quickly and easily for a great price.


Part Exchange

If you have spotted another motorhome you like and want to move quickly, we have a selection of underwriters who will accurately value your own motorhome. This means you can agree a price then drop off your old motorhome when you pick up your new one, making the whole process simple.


Car or caravan part exchange options

We can value your current caravan or car for part exchange. If that sounds good, speak to your local Motorhome Marketplace broker for a valuation. Once you’ve agreed a price you can use the value towards a deposit on your new motorhome.